AIR Commander Link Receiver #

•    Short blink green with long delay (after power up)   
Receiver is running properly and waiting for the Transmitter signal (pairing)

•    Continuous green
Receiver is properly bound with the Transmitter and entered the “radio silent mode”.

•    Blinking green (shortly interrupted continuous green)
Receiver accepted command from the Transmitter

AIR Commander Link Transmitter #

Transmitter has three LEDs, PWR, STAT and CONN. PWR is always red, when power is inserted. STAT LED behavior changes depending on Timelapse mode. CONN LED is blinking depending on communication activity.

•    is always RED once successfully powered ON

•    is continuously GREEN, when system is idle and out of the Time-Lapse mode 
•    blinking quickly when Time-Lapse mode is enabled 

•    is continuously OFF when system is idle
•    quickly blinks when data Transmit or Receive is active
•    in Time-Lapse mode CONN diode shows actual interval after pressing of the TL button

AIR Commander Link Receiver

•    Short blink green with long delay (after power up)   
Receiver is running properly and waiting for the Transmitter signal (pairing)

•    Continuous green
Receiver is properly bound with the Transmitter and entered the “radio silent mode”.

•    Blinking green (shortly interrupted continuous green)
Receiver accepted command from the Transmitter

AIR Commander Link Transmitter

Transmitter has three LEDs, PWR, STAT and CONN. PWR is always red, when power is inserted. STAT LED behavior changes depending on Timelapse mode. CONN LED is blinking depending on communication activity.

•    is always RED once successfully powered ON

•    is continuously GREEN, when system is idle and out of the Time-Lapse mode 
•    blinking quickly when Time-Lapse mode is enabled 

•    is continuously OFF when system is idle
•    quickly blinks when data Transmit or Receive is active
•    in Time-Lapse mode CONN diode shows actual interval after pressing of the TL button