Do not mismatch this page with control of the Entire via SBUS. Follow this page for SBUS control of the Entire.
This page is about SBUS OUT feature of the Entire. This is used for usage scenarios, where Entire generates SBUS signals for camera control. SBUS OUT can be of course freely used in many scenarios, however mainly is used for Wiris camera control.
There are two options of using SBUS OUT control:
Enable SBUS OUT mode at port UNI-B or UNI-1 and use cable as per this text.
Now the Entire generates SBUS signal at selected port and receiving device should “see” incomming SBUS signal with all channels in the center position.
In this example (photo at right), Channel #1 of SBUS OUT signal is:
Do not mismatch this page with control of the Entire via SBUS. Follow this page for SBUS control of the Entire.
This page is about SBUS OUT feature of the Entire. This is used for usage scenarios, where Entire generates SBUS signals for camera control. SBUS OUT can be of course freely used in many scenarios, however mainly is used for Wiris camera control.
There are two options of using SBUS OUT control:
Enable SBUS OUT mode at port UNI-B or UNI-1 and use cable as per this text.
Now the Entire generates SBUS signal at selected port and receiving device should “see” incomming SBUS signal with all channels in the center position.
In this example (photo at right), Channel #1 of SBUS OUT signal is: